Friday 25 May 2012

I'm back.......

Hello all.

First sorry there has been so little going on here for the last couple of months but hey, life sometimes gets in the way.

Soooo... whats on for today, well I managed to get up to the club for a spot of shooting on Wednesday and wow what a day, after so much gloomy weather a nice sunny day with a gentle breeze was fab!
My shooting has deteriorated since I last shot and I was not back up to scratch on last year then, so I now have a lot of work to do if I am going to keep my new years resolution and improve my shooting with a view to getting my first class.  

Friday 18 May 2012

First sorry that I have not updated for a while but as I have said things at home have been a bit up in the air.

Finally got back up to the club on Wednesday to say hi to some people, but did not shoot just wanted to see if I could make the round trip on my bike. I haven't missed much as the weather has been so awful since I was last up there. I am going to try to get up there again on Sunday if the weather holds and see how much my form has suffered.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Sorry things are a bit quiet here atm, I have been a bit unwell and unable to shoot and now we have had a Death in the family. But watch this space and I will be posting some more soon.