Thursday 16 May 2013

Never enough time....

Gosh never enough time as soon as the weather started to improve it's time for the summer league (and guess who said yes to being the team captain) bit of a last minute scramble to put a team together but we managed it and won our first match of the season. We did not take part last year and so were a little out of practice and having only ever shot in 2 league matches myself it was a bit scary being the field captain as well.


  1. Congratulations, well done!


  2. 70" bow, 44lbs on the fingers, Easton ACC carbon alloy 32" arrows with small fletches......will this get to 100x ok? Any thoughts.....will I?

  3. Well I have a pair of 34lb limbs and recon I am holding about 38lbs and with my sight right in and as far down as possible without hitting the fletchings I am hitting the middle at 80 yards but one of my friends without a Revo' is only two thirds of the way down and all the way our at the same distance holding the same weight (ish). So it really is a case of try and see. I would be interested to hear how you get on and what limbs you have.

  4. Hopefully next Thurs eve., weather and work permitting. The limbs are Sebastien Flute Carbon/Wood. It was subjectively felt that the wood may make these a little quicker than the Uukha limbs I was drooling over? I certainly have no problem with them in comparison.......

  5. Well 50 x was fine...hopefully 100x on Mon eve?

    1. Sounds like things are heading in the right direction, I had a bit of a breakthrough yesterday, I went to the club and shoot a long western (8 dozen 4 each at 80 and 60 yards) and got my first first class score! Two more this season and I get the classification.

  6. Never got to 100x, the club decided to shoot indoors, and outdoors Thurs on a range with 50x max.
    Mind you that has been fun, and it's a pretty venue, and last night managed to make a respectable at least, fist of it, despite shooting into the setting sun.... Think I now need a little scope?

    Now, explain to us plebs., well, this one anyway, about this classification and what is involved? Are you using a clicker on your Revolution?

    (Unrelated, but have just commissioned a longbow.....ooops!)

    1. Cool you'r getting a bent stick green tights next!

      Now you ask about classifications, well basically there are 6 levels of classification that the can achieve they are Third class, second class, first class, Bowman, Master bowman and Grand master bowman. They related to getting above a certain score in a given round and the higher levels can only be achieved on the longer rounds (Bowman and above are all 100 yard rounds). For example My score was on a Long western were the maximum score possible is 864 and for a first class score you need to be over 579 I got 595, to get a classification you have to get a score equal to that level or above three times in the same season and then it lasts for the rest of that season, so you have to re-classify each year (but you would normally be going for the next level up the following year). Also for the Bowman and above only one of your scores can be on your home ground so you have to be shooting in competitions. The scores are set to give an indication of your overall ability compared to all other archers so they set the qualifying score as a percentile of all recorded scores in the UK with a GMB being in the top 5%. I hope that makes sense.

    2. How do you know I don't have the tights already!! LOL

      Have been away from shooting for a week (sailing) and am surprised how much I have missed my archery and the Revolution!

      Thank you for explaining the clasifications, sounds interesting, although I'm not sure I'd ever get to enough competitions!! I still want a go at field archery too! - But the scores you specify give me something to chase, thank you!

      Now, where are those tights..........

  7. ....wot iz a "first class score?" Sounds mightily impressive......
