Thursday 24 July 2014

Taking a break.............

Well just a quick note to let you know that I will be away for a bit, the last few weeks we have been getting ready for a cruise on the Queen Mary II following the coast of Norway right up into the arctic circle. It is a fifteen day trip and should be lots of fun but it has been taking up a bit of my time sorting out luggage clothing and the like.
We have another league match on the 3rd of August 2 days before we go and I will try and do a quick update on how that goes.


  1. As will I!!!

    Not X hundred feet/1000s tonnes, just 29 feet and 5 tonnes....

    No not the Queen Mary....just my lil grp boat to fjords there!!

    have fun!!

  2. Now that sounds fun, I hope you have fair weather and a good time.

  3. While Tony is away......
    I noticed the other day that the top through bolt (allen key on one side proud nut on other, apart from me!!) on the riser was a little loose. I can't see it making any difference to tuning so have tightened down and just looked to see if all 3 billetts are evenly spaced....
    Anyone else have any experience of this?
    And what of some pictures of your bows?........C'mon......
